E.P. Carrillo’s

The roots of the Perez-Carrillo family are in Cuba, where Ernesto Sr. was born in 1904. He began learning about tobacco and cigars early in his childhood from his father who rolled and sold penny cigars in the streets of Havana. After working as a tobacco buyer for many years, Ernesto Sr. launched the family cigar dynasty in 1948 when he purchased El Credito, a small cigar factory in Havana. The Perez-Carrillo family became well-respected in Cuba, and Ernesto Sr. was elected to the Senate in 1954 and 1958.
“To me, Miami was supposed to be a stepping stone – a place to gather ourselves before I made it big in New York as a jazz musician. Things happen for a reason, and it’s clear now that Miami was the right place for me, and the place that pushed me to discover – and master – my true calling in life.”
– Ernesto Perez-Carrillo